Dec 16, 2012

Khalid IZRI and his wonderful song "Mac Ghaneg"

His song “Mach Ghaneg”, perfomed at the second edition of the 'Rif cultural days' at Al Akhawayn University in Ifran - Morocco,  is a stunning tone of joviality and merriness.. The song questions the hardships that fetter the progression of our lives asking “how can we mount the colossal obstacles that hinder our development as Rifians and as Imazighen”. The music is just perfectly synchronized.


  1. ااااائعةر
    اغنية تعبر عن هموم الانسان العادي وتحديه للصعاب والمشاق
    هي لسان حال الضعفاء الكادحين الذين لابد من تقديم الضحيتا لصعود الصعاب الدي يرمز له خالد ازري في اغنيته الهادفة الى المنحدر
    كلمات ولحن واداء خرافي من قديس الاغنية الريفية خالد ازري
    شكرامن القلب

    1. i am happy that you like it... thank you for your support!! tahiyati ghaliya laki tamaghrabit
