
New amazigh year 2963 celebration in Images. the concert took place in Tripoli .



amazigh women crop celebrations
 Amazigh ( Berber) women celebrating good crops in Spring.

Amazigh woman embellishing her hand-made pottery.

 Adorned Amazigh pottery.

Amazigh(Berber) pottery jug.

Amazigh(Berber) pottery.

 Amazigh(Berber) pottery.

Amazigh (Berber) pottery jar.

 a Berber woman carrying a pottery jar which was used mainly to bring water from the well to house.

Amazigh (Berber) pottery tun.

Pottery hand-made by an Amazigh woman.

An Amazigh woman carrying a pottery jug on her head.

Amazigh (Berber) Pottery.

Amazigh Jug
More Amazigh pottery.

pottery dishes
Adorned pottery dishes.

jug and dish
Adorned pottery.

ancient jug
Ancient Amazigh jug.

pottery containers
Little girls with pottery containers.

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